Our Appointment System




patients using online access

Patient Access

Book face-to-face or telephone appointments with your GP, nurse or clinician at a time that suits you.

Your details and information are protected by the highest standards of online
security, so all you need to worry about is what to do with the spare time you’ve



Problems booking online appointments?



Doctor Appointments

Our appointments are now reverting to pre-Covid style, with predominantly face-to-face appointments. GP appointments are for routine visits around your health needs, and you will be able to book with your GP in the usual way.

When booking the appointment, either on-line via the NHS App or Patient Access, or when calling the practice, you will be able to book a telephone call or a face-to-face appointment. We operate a Usual Doctor system, with each patient assigned to a doctor. This allows the doctor to give great continuity of care.

Please be aware that each doctor has their own consulting times and days, so if you have a preference, please check their availability. We have restricted to booking 2 weeks in advance, so you will not be able to book further ahead than this.

book appointment with GP

The Patient Care Coordinator will ask you to give brief details of your illness to enable us to offer you the most appropriate appointment.We are now offering an improved appointment system.

If you require an urgent appointment, please discuss with the Patient Care Coordinator why you feel you need this. The staff have been trained to find the most appropriate care pathway for patients, and may suggest that you see another healthcare provider. If appropriate, you will be put on a telephone triage list at the surgery, and the Duty Doctor will contact you during the course of the day to discuss the issue.

On arrival at the surgery, please give your name to staff member to book you in to the surgery. We are maintaining good Infection Prevention and Control measures in the practice, and you may be asked to use alcohol gel on your hands, and to wear a face mask when in the surgery.

Please only arrive 5 minutes before your appointment, and if you are more than 10 minutes late for your appointment, you may be asked to re-book. 


Nurse Appointments

Nurse appointments are currently being booked via a recall system. Long term condition monitoring via blood tests will be scheduled when appropriate, and you will receive a message asking you to book a test. When calling to book this, please tell the Patient Care Coordinator that you have received a message asking you to book this. 

Baby Immunisations will continue, and we currently run clinics on a Thursday and a Saturday. When bringing your child in for their immunisations, please note that we can only allow 1 parent or sibling in to the surgery with the child. This is done in order to allow adequate distancing between patients to ensure minimising risk of cross-infection.

When booking an appointment with the practice nurse, it is helpful if you can state your reason for seeing her so that we can book the appropriate amount of time. For example, a blood test, immunisations or contraception appointment is 10 minutes long, but if you need a dressing, both ears syringed, a cervical smear or to discuss your travel vaccinations we need to book you 20 minutes. For Travel Immunisations please see the nurse at least 8 weeks before you travel.



If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.


Cancel appointments you don't need